Here are my notes that I took while reading through the “driving commercial vehicles a guide for professional drivers” textbook. 

Here are some of the webpages I used in the process:

*Note: 1. There may be mistakes in some of my notes, so please refer to the textbook. You can use “control/command find” in the e-textbook to verify. 2. I was able to pass fairly quickly using my method of studying. 3. I studied the textbook and online sources such as Quizlets and practice questions by learning and taking notes together at the same time.


Here is the pdf file of my notes (they look better) : Notes PDF

• 19yrs to hold classes 1,2,4 
◦ class 4 allows you to drive taxi, limo, ambulance or bus with less than 25 seats, any motor vehicle or combo of vehicles in class 5
◦ need 4, 5 with heavy trailer endorsement or 1,2,3 to tow trailer that weighs more than 4600kg
◦ class 1 can drive any vehicle with three or more axles and taxi
• 18yrs can hold class 3 
◦ trucks with more than two axles 
‣ eg. dump trucks, tow trucks 
special vehicle = no more than 10 seats and public transportation for disabled people 
special activity bus =
• operated for a school 
• does not run on set schedule 
• used for purpose for it was manufactured
get commercial license = 
• driving record with less than four tickets that carry penalty points in last two years 
• not owe any motor vehicle related fines to ICBC 
• already hold 5 or 6 license 
◦ take vision test 
◦ good physical health
◦ knowledge test and pre-trip inspection of vehicle 
once get commercial license = 
• checked periodically by company that employ you as driver 
• friction converts the anger of motion to heat energy 
• total stopping time 
◦ reaction +brake lag + braking time
smooth braking 
• brake early spread braking load
• safe following distance 3 to 5 seconds min 
• see safe distance ahead when travel speed
◦ just before coming full stop, reduce pressure you put on pedal 
• twice weight and twice speed of that car requires eight times more stopping power to stop same distance 
• icy roads = light pressure on brakes 
◦ this will prevent wheels from locking up 
◦ prevent skidding 
◦ help you control vehicle 
• Brake fade 
◦ a temporary and sudden reduction in braking power
‣ caused by heat in system from braking repeatedly under high load or speed 
• what will happen?
◦ vehicle takes longer to stop 
◦ stop working because they overheat 
◦ vehicle may not stop at all 
• travelling down steep hill 
◦ downshift before heading down hill 
‣ downshift = going to lower gear 
◦ Use a gear that is not higher than the gear you would use to go up that hill
◦ Use an engine or driveline retarder in addition to your main service brakes
‣  Engine retarder brakes are used in many heavy trucks
• steep downward slope 
• highest brake temp. occur when braking from highway speeds on long downgrades or repeated brakes without cooling time between applications 
• never shift to higher gear on downgrade unless speed on the grade can be controlled with retarding device or engine compression 
• more efficient at higher engine rpm and lower vehicle speed 
• provide auxiliary slowing of vehicle 
• engine retarders = engine brakes help save main braking system for emergency stopping 
RPM = revolutions per minute
• is a unit of rotational speed or rotational frequency for rotating machines
◦ a. The number of complete turns the crankshaft makes in one minute. 
◦ b. Measured by your tachometer. 
◦ c. An important factor in governing how fast you can go in a given gear.
‣ you should shift gears up when the tachometer is around “3” or 3,000 RPMs; shift down when the tachometer is around “1” or 1,000 RPMs
• tachometer indicates engine speed not actual travelling speed
◦ tachometer helps you decide when to change gears
combination-unit vehicle 
• towing, pushing another thing 
◦ braking forcefullying 
‣ wheels may lock up 
‣ vehicle to jack-knife or skid 
• jack-knife – folds in on itself at the point of separation 
• brakes, tires, and suspension of a combination vehicle works best when vehicle is legally loaded and property distributed among axles 
Air Brakes
• why use these?
◦ much greater force than hydraulic braking system 
‣ more tolerant to small leaks 
• compressed air 
◦ squeezed into smaller space
‣ increase air’s resistance 
• resistance creates pressure 
◦ can be converted to mechanical force to apply on brake 
‣ eg. 10p.s.i = 10pounds on 1 square inch surface of plug
Parts of the air brake
• compressor  = pump air 
• governor = control compressor 
• air lines = allow air to flow between air brake system components 
• reservoir = store compressed air 
• brake pedal = foot valve = applies brake by directing compressed air from reservoir to brake 
• foundation brake 
Who usually issue chauffeurs permits?
• municipal police
◦ taxi and limousine drivers need for some cities 
ABS anti-lock braking system 
• mandatory on trucks and buses over 4560kg 
• mandatory on all commercial trailers with air brakes 
• helps prevent overbearing on slippery surface
• doesn’t allow u to drive faster or stop sooner 
• ABS can help prevent wheel lock-up on surfaces where conventional brakes usually lock up
• can brake hard without skidding or losing steering control 
• can prevent jack-knifing 
How to use ABS
• apply firm hard continuous pressure on brake until vehicle stops 
• don’t pump the brakes, it turns the system on and off 
• don’t be alarmed by braking noise or pedal movement or shudder 
• tractor and trailer both have ABS?
◦ if not all have ABS then apply brake as you were operating a combination without ABS
ATC automatic traction control 
• optional addition to an ABS system
◦ detect loss of drive wheel traction on slippery road
‣ will apply brake if drive wheel spins transferring power to opposite side 
‣ in extreme slippery conditions 
• ATC will reduce engine power allow wheels to regain traction 
Water on roadways
• water can reduce brake efficiency 
• cover brake with foot as approach water 
• place slight drag aka apply slight constant pressure on brake when driving through water 
‣ this reduces amount of water entering brake drums and shoes 
• reduce speed before driving through large pools of water on roadway 
• test brakes by applying slight pressure after driving through water 
◦ do this for a short distance to dry out brakes 
Runaway lanes 
• these are located at side of road on some downhill grade, so just before downhill grade
◦ downhill grade (downgrade, aka decline )
• safety measure when you lose braking power 
◦ only used for control speed or stop 
Following distance 
• ideal conditions 
◦ taxi, ambulance or van 2 second rule for safe rolling distance 
• use checkpoint method 
• if filling motorcycle, leave more space because they can stop quickly 
• lengthen distance when conditions are poor 
• ideal condition
◦ bus, truck or heavy vehicle 5 second following distance 
blind spots of a trailer truck  
• longer the hood of vehicle the longer the blind spot 
• higher seat option can hide car alongside u 
Traffic lights are synchronized on some streets, so by driving at the posted speed you’ll make every green light.
• driving large commercial vehicle on highway = leave at least 60meter from other vehicle
◦ buses, trucks, large vehicles never be less than 5 seconds behind the vehicle ahead at highway speed
• travel slowly or going on hill up and down use right lane 
• allow vehicles to pass if only one-lane road if u going slower or hill
• use four-way flasher when driving on hill 
• Vehicles, machinery or combinations of vehicles that travel at less than 40 km/h should display a red triangle slow moving vehicle sign.
Danger Zones
• section of road a vehicle travels through before it can stop 
• speed increase danger zone increases 
◦ not ideal conditions increase danger zone 
• reduce danger zone when u cover brake pedal with foot any time you see hazard developing eg. seeing intersection 
• distance between front wheel and rear 
◦ turning radius for a vehicle 
‣ room needed for vehicle to make turn 
‣ different for front and rear tires 
‣ dependent on size of vehicle 
• inside wheel turns more than outside wheel
Off track
• difference in path between front and rear wheels 
• off track is bigger if bigger distance between front and rear wheels aka bigger wheelbase 
◦ depends on 
‣ wheelbase 
‣ location of pivot points between truck and trailer 
‣ longer the draw bar length or farther back the fifth wheel is mounted  = greater offtrack 
Curves and turns 
• enter at speed that doesn’t require you to brake while in the curve 
• enter at speed that allows you to apply gradual power while in curve 
◦ When you go around a curve, inertia tries to keep you going in a straight line.
◦ Traction is the grip your tires have on the road.
‣ turn left = vehicle head should be close to right edge 
‣ turn right = head be close to middle line 
Bus (forward control vehicle) 
• turning right 
◦ turn wheel when see curb line of street you are entering through front entrance door 
• turn left
◦ If there are two turning lanes, you should turn from the right-hand turn lane as this lane will better accommodate your vehicle’s off tracking.
Backing up 
• avoid backing up whenever possible 
• plan ahead to minimize distance 
• use person to guide you when possible , if can’t then get off vehicle to check everything clear 
• sound horn once every vehicle length travelled by backing 
• back vehicle out of traffic to parking spot, avoid backing into traffic 
◦ back into view side aka close to your door side 
• crash
◦ almost always only driver’s fault, even if there is person to guide
• if with curb and uphill 
◦ the normal wheel turn  (left toward centre of road)
• if no curb and uphill 
◦ turn wheel right toward edge of roadway 
• if combination vehicle on uphill with or without curb always turn wheel left toward centre of road 
• downgrade is same for all = turn wheel to the right toward edge of roadway 
Progressing shifting 
• shifting gear
◦ higher higher rpm = higher gear needed 
‣ Only use enough torque to get the vehicle moving and then shift into the next higher gear.
• peak torque is found at lower engine speed (lower rpm of 1500rpm) than peak horsepower (2000rpm)
◦ vehicle should operate between engine’s peak torque and horsepower levels 
‣ torque – ability of engine to move vehicle 
‣ horsepower – used to develop speed 
‣ this called normal operating rpm range of engine 
• to keep within normal operation rpm range we must transmission of shifts 
• progressive shifting = new vehicles with high torque engines 
Progressive shifting vs Standard rpm split shifting method 
• which method depends on vehicle 
◦ standard rpm
‣ accelerate to 2000rpm aka peak horsepower, then double clutch, then allow engine speed to go to peak torque 1500rpm eg. and then upshift 
• double clutch  = depressing clutch pedal twice in process of moving from one gear to another 45
• At any given speed, the engine is developing both torque and horsepower
◦ peak torque below peak horsepower 
‣ operating between means normal operating rpm range of engine 
• to keep within normal range need to shift gears accordingly
◦ use the tachometer to do so
‣ tachometer shows engine speed 
• thus help decide when to shift gear
Shifting gear
• upshift – change to higher gear, when you want to go faster 
• lugging occurs when engine is operated below peak torque 
◦ choosing gear that’s too high (rpm gonna be too low)
◦ RPM vs Engine
‣ higher RPM the more power engine can produce
‣ feel: car going to shake back and forth
• speed controller 
• allows you to start vehicle without using throttle 
• regulates amount of fuel going into engine 
◦ gasoline vehicle no governor how to upshift 
‣ use enough throttle to start the vehicle moving 
‣ accelerate = shift next gear 
‣ allow engine to develop more power before each shift 
‣ As you complete each shift, engage the clutch smoothly, and engage the throttle at the same time
• appropriate gear for entering curve 
◦ is one that allows you to complete your progression around curve while using engine power throughout 
• when approaching 
◦ position vehicle in necessary lane well before intersection 
◦ signal about 1/2 a block from intersection 
◦ avoid changing lanes or passing other 
• max speed
◦ 20km/h
• stop vehicle before driving across sidewalk 
• controlled railways have all types of control: flag person, stop sign, crossing gate, electric or mechanical signalling device 
◦ stop 5-15m away from crossing 
◦ look both ways and listen 
‣ open window to hear better 
• move forward when safe don’t shift gears when crossing 
• uncontrolled 
◦ school buses carrying kid still need to stop 
◦ buses with passenger 
◦ vehicle transporting explosives, poison, combustibles 
• humpback railway crossing 
◦ hump has a 
• rural road railway crossing 
◦ extra attention 
‣ approach grades may be steeper 
‣ snow banks higher 
‣ brush can affect visibility 
‣ fewer automated warning system 
‣ more humpback crossing
• do not shift gears when crossing railroad tracks
◦ need min 15m away parking from railroad crossingho
School bus
• test brakes everyday 
• any defects = no transport passengers 
• refuel with no passengers 
• rental bus must comply with MVA motor vehicle act and regulations 
◦ need fire extinguisher 
◦ FA kit 
◦ flares or flags
‣ more than 12 seats must have emergency exit door or window 
‣ “school bus” signs must have 2
• front and rear, black on yellow, 20cm high 
◦ need wash floor once a week
• mirrors 
◦ required to have 4 mirrors 
‣ 2 rear view 
‣ 1 entrance 
‣ 1 convex front
• driving large commercial vehicle on highway = leave at least 60meter from other vehicle
◦ but also bus on normal road also 60m each direction 
‣ need to leave 3m of road on left side of bus
Warning devices
• who needs to carry
◦ vehicles that seats more than 10 
‣ commercial vehicles with width more than 2.3m
‣ load width more than 2.3m
Emergency vehicle 
• equipped with flashing lights or sirens 
◦ we must yield when flashing or siren 
‣ drive to curb of roadway 
• stop vehicle clear of intersection 
◦ remain stopped until emergency vehicle passed
‣ listen for multiple emergency vehicles 
NSC National safety code
• which vehicles included in the NSC program?
◦ commercial vehicle more than 5000kg 
‣ vehicle operating under passenger transport act
• commercial vehicle with capacity of more than 10 people (plus driver)
slow vehicle sign
• must display this sign if max speed is 40km/h
high beam 
• switch to low bean when within 150m from another vehicle 
• illuminates 100m 
• don’t flash light at people to warn them
• can overheat, burst, and flex more than should if over- or under inflated 
◦ underinflated
‣ risk of hydroplaning 
• tires water skiing on road
‣ more tire flex 
‣ excess wear on outer edge of tread 
◦ overinflated 
‣ less tread surface 
• less traction
◦ tire pressure should be checked when tires are cool  
◦ if tire warm and you check/reduce the air pressure 
◦ you may cause tire to generate more heat
‣ tread damage, including cuts, cracks or snags
• head restraint is at least as high as the top of your head, and the head restraint is less (LESS) than 10 cm from the back of your head
• any Blood alcohol content with over 0.05% is illegal 
◦ if crash with impair driving due 
‣ increased cost of insurance 
‣ pay for own repairs and victim’s 
◦ During the inspection, tell your examiner what you are checking for and how you know if each part of your vehicle is in good working order. You’ll get a trip inspection report to fill out as part of your pre-trip inspection. You can find more about pre-trip inspections and pre-trip inspection tests in chapter 10, vehicle and air brake pre-trip inspections.
‣ Daily written inspection reports must be made by the drivers of which vehicles?
• buses, trucks with license GVW greater than 14600 kg and combination vehicle with 8200kg 
• noticed oil or grease leaks from hub of wheel
◦ should:
‣ check brake drum area to see if there’s oil or grease on brake pad
• metal or paint flakes around nut 
◦ indicate: 
‣ wheel movement
• this is disk wheel problem 
• changing new tire
◦ stop after short while to check if wheel nuts are tight
• Every commercial vehicle that has a seating capacity of more than 10 occupants must have
◦ FA kit 
◦ one spare tire 
◦ one fire extinguisher
On-duty times
• include
◦ inspecting or using vehicle 
◦ waiting along route 
◦ not resting in sleeper berth and traveling as one of two drivers 
◦ inspecting and checking load 
◦ waiting for vehicle or load to be checked and weighed
• travelling as a passenger to a destination where you’ll start driving — this qualifies as on-duty time when two conditions apply:
• 1. the carrier requests you make the trip, and
• 2. you didn’t have eight consecutive hours of off-duty time immediately
◦ aka when boss calls u, it on-duty. if u didn’t get rest it on-duty
• allowed to drive max 13hrs a day 
• no driving after 14hrs on duty 
off-duty time
◦ include spend time in sleeper berth 
‣ must take 10hr off every day
‣ 2 of the 10hr must not be with the other 8hrs 
‣ must take 1day off of 14days work so 24hrs consecutive
• can’t work all 7 days then  
• Cycles
◦ Cycle 1 (7days)
‣ 70hrs in 7 days = no more driving 
• reset cycle = taking 36 consecutive hrs off duty
◦ Cycle 2 (14days)
‣ 120hrs in 14 days = no more driving 
• reset cycle = taking 72 consecutive hrs off duty
‣ after working 120hrs in a 14 day cycle (cycle 2), drivers must take 24 hours of off-duty time before working 70 hours of on-duty time
work shift 
• 8 consecutive hours = reset work shift 
• after 16hrs of time u need to rest 8 consecutive hours (off-duty) *  133
◦ therefore, work shift defined as the time between two 8 consecutive hour off-duty rest
• letting passengers on and off 
◦ must park in place that allows others to see from 85m front and back
Daily log
• need 
◦ updated to last duty status 
◦ copies of it for work cycle, previous 7 or 14day cycle 
◦ supporting docs issued during trips
‣ fuel receipts and accommodation receipts for expenses incurred along the route.
◦ odometer at beginning and end of day 
• All trip inspection reports must be given to the carrier within 20 days.
◦ every 240km do en route inspection of vehicle 
Who isn’t required LOGBOOK?
• you operate a commercial vehicle within a radius of 160 km of the home terminal
• you return to the home terminal each day to begin a minimum of eight consecutive hours of off-duty time
Who is required LOGBOOK?
• vehicles 
◦ sits more than 10 
‣ truck greater than 14600kg 
• truck towing trailer greater than 8200kg
Class 4 restricted 
• pre-trip inspection225
◦ take 15min max to do it
‣ 1. under hood 
‣ 2. in passenger compartment 
‣ 3. circle check
‣ 4. brake response tests 
Pre-hill inspections 
• check 
◦ compressor maintains full reservoir pressure 
◦ no audible air leaks
◦ glad hands and airlines are secure 
◦ brake drums and hubs ain’t overheated 
◦ pushrod travel is within limits 
• if hydraulic brakes
◦ check adequate pedal reserve 
◦ brake drums aren’t over-heated 
◦ no hydraulic fluid leaks